The flood

One stormy day in the middle of no where a horrible storm was brewing. James the swagman and Bob the swagman could barely see anything from the dust blowing in their face but they could see the coolabah trees rustling around and they could hear the kookaburras screeching for help

Bob was having flashbacks from his parents death. They died in 1801 and it is now 1823. Bob really wanted someone to talk to about his parents death, but James was only Two years old he’s lucky he’s got James because he nearly died of starvation.

‘Help!’ yelled James ‘I’m getting drifted away the wind is too strong.’ Bob looked up every gumtree, behind every dead plant and lifted every rock but there was no sign of James. After hours of searching Bob decided to take a sleep and continue looking in the morning.

As the night passed Bob found himself on a log wobbling around. He tilted his neck, It was a miracle! He found James hovered over a billabong sipping the muddy water. James yelled ‘Bob!’ and grabbed his pot put some water in it and gave it to him. Bob looked like he was dead he was yellow in the face and had rips in his pants.

James was so relieved that Bob was alive. Two days later they were trotting along the brown grass and bumped into a man. That man ended up being Bobs best mate and James found a mate six days later.